Desde Columbia/Legacy han anunciado que el próximo 22 de febrero sale a la luz From Memphis to Hoollywood. Bootleg vol. 2, una recopilación de dos discos con rarezas de Johnny Cash de los años 50 y 60, que incluyen varias conexiones Dylan.
La primera es una versión de One too many mornings, que Cash ha grabado en varias ocasiones (en el 69, en el 86 junto al propio Dylan), pero se cree que se trata de una del año 65.
Cash versioneó varias veces a Dylan: Blowin' In The Wind, Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, Forever Young, Mama You Been On My Mind, Man Gave Names To All The Animals, Wanted Man, Country Pie (con "Mama" Cass Elliott), Girl From The North Country (con Joni Mitchell), o It Ain't Me Babe (con su inseparable June Carter).
El disco también incluye canciones que posteriormente también grabó Dylan, como Bellshazzar, Big River o Train of love.
La primera es una versión de One too many mornings, que Cash ha grabado en varias ocasiones (en el 69, en el 86 junto al propio Dylan), pero se cree que se trata de una del año 65.
Cash versioneó varias veces a Dylan: Blowin' In The Wind, Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, Forever Young, Mama You Been On My Mind, Man Gave Names To All The Animals, Wanted Man, Country Pie (con "Mama" Cass Elliott), Girl From The North Country (con Joni Mitchell), o It Ain't Me Babe (con su inseparable June Carter).
El disco también incluye canciones que posteriormente también grabó Dylan, como Bellshazzar, Big River o Train of love.
FROM MEMPHIS TO HOLLYWOOD: BOOTLEG VOL. 2 by JOHNNY CASH (Columbia/Legacy 88697 60051 2)
CD ONE: THE 1950s
A. On The Air
1. KWEM Announcements and Advertisements • 2. Johnny Cash Show Intro and Theme • 3. Wide Open Road • 4. Home Equipment Company Advertisement • 5. One More Ride • 6. Home Equipment Company Advertisement/Luther Perkins Intro • 7. Luther’s Boogie • 8. Belshazzar Intro • 9. Belshazzar • 10. Closing Comments and Theme • 11. Overton Park Shell “Country Music Jamboree” Advertisement by “Texas” Bill Strength, broadcast August 4, 1955. (Tracks 1-10 recorded May 21, 1955 in West Memphis, Arkansas. Tracks 1-11 previously released as bonus CD in limited edition of The Legend boxed set, 2005.)
B. Early Demos
12. I Walk The Line (demo) • 13. Get Rhythm (demo) • 14. Train Of Love (demo) • 15. Country Boy (demo) • 16. My Treasure (demo) • 17. Belshazzar (demo) • 18. He’ll Be A Friend (demo) • 19. When I Think Of You (demo) • 20. I Just Don’t Care Enough (To Carry On) (demo) • 21. I’ll Cry For You (demo) • 22. You’re My Baby (demo) • 23. Rock And Roll Ruby (demo, recorded probably late 1955; West Memphis, Arkansas, courtesy of Sun Entertainment Corporation.)
(Tracks 12-22 previously unreleased, recording dates and locations unknown.)
C. Sun Rarities
24. Wide Open Road (recorded late 1954; produced by Sam Phillips)
25. Leave That Junk Alone (recorded August 4, 1957; produced by Jack Clement)
26. Brakeman’s Blues (incomplete) (recorded April 2, 1956; produced by Sam Phillips)
27. Big River (recorded November 12, 1957; produced by Jack Clement)
28. I Couldn’t Keep From Crying (recorded probably 1955; produced by Sam Phillips)
29. New Mexico (recorded probably 1955; produced by Sam Phillips)
30. Goodnight Irene (recorded November 12, 1957; produced by Jack Clement)
(Tracks 24-30 recorded in Memphis, courtesy of Sun Entertainment Corporation.)
D. More Demos
31. Restless Kid (demo) • 32 It’s All Over (demo). (Tracks 31-32 previously unreleased, recording dates and locations unknown.)
CD TWO: THE 1960s
1. All Over Again
2. You Dreamer You
3. I’ll Remember You
4. Johnny Yuma Theme (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
5. Five Minutes To Live (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
6. The Losing Kind (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
7. Locomotive Man
8. Girl In Saskatoon
9. There’s A Mother Always Waiting (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
10. Johnny Reb (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
11. Shifting, Whispering Sands-with Lorne Greene (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
12. Send A Picture Of Mother
13. Hardin Wouldn’t Run (demo)
14. Thunderball (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
15. One Too Many Mornings (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
16. The Frozen Logger (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
17. Foolish Questions (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
18. Bottom Of The Mountain
19. Put The Sugar To Bed
20. You Beat All I Ever Saw
21. On The Line (previously unreleased in the U.S.)
22. Roll Call
23. The Folk Singer
24. Six White Horses (demo) (previously unreleased)
25. Come Along And Ride This Train (demo) (previously unreleased).
(Tracks 1-6 recorded in Nashville, produced by Don Law.)
(Tracks 7-12, 14-21 recorded in Nashville, produced by Don Law and Frank Jones.)
(Tracks 22-23 recorded in Nashville, produced by Bob Johnston.)
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